Membership Plan

To create membership plans.
Club Membership > Membership Plan
How to create
- Open New Membership Doctype.
- Select the Plan Type.
- Enter the Plan Name in the following format [ Plan Type]_[Plan Name]_[Allowed Members]_[Duration] ex. Club_Silver_Single_Annual. Item Name and Item Code will automatically get created having same name as Plan's Name. If not one can manually do it.
- Enter the Duration in Months.
- Select the Billing Interval.
- Select the Max Allowed Members.
- Enter the Duration in Months.
- Enter the Renewal Discount % if needed.
- Enter the Corporate Discount % if needed.
- Tick the Allow Suspension box if the plan is of 6 months or greater.
- In Item Details section, select Club Membership in Item Group
- Select Membership Price List in Price List
- Enter the Rate
- In Free Benefits section select the facilities according to plan. If there is not any facility as per plan leave it blank.
- In Free Service with Fixed Sessions section select the service and enter the numberof sessions.If there is not any such session as per plan leave it blank.
- In Discounted Service Category section select the item group and enter the discount percentage.If there is not any such service as per plan leave it blank.
- In Terms and Conditon section enter the terms and conditions.