Manage your company projects,tasks and costing for the project all under at one place.
- Track your all business process under one project
- Create connected documents e.g. sales invoices,purchase invoices,stock entries and many more
- Different activities under one project
- Project template for quick project creation
- View project completion percentage side by side
- Task management under one project
- Set priorities for task
- Tasks & dependant tasks
- Costing under task
- Timesheets for different task
![<b>Different views of documents(in every doc type)<b>](/files/gant view.png)
Different views of documents(in every doc type)
- Views like list view,kanban view,report view,gant view
Costing & Billing
- All your costing & billing for a project under one place
- All your activities cost at one place
![<b>Costing & Billing](/files/Costing&billing.png)